Keptap - Technical advice

Client name: Keptap (Kenya Petroleum Technical Assistance Project)
Name of the project: Development of Occupational Safety and Health Regulations for the Petroleum Sector in Kenya

Description of project and customer issues

Aegide International was awarded a contract by KEPTAP to assist the Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services (Ministry of Labour) to develop a sector specific law covering Downstream, Midstream and Upstream O&G Operators.

Activities / Tasks and Solutions developed by Aegide International

This project involved the delivery of the following reports and activities:

  • Inception Report establishing the project milestones, organization, resources and planning.
  • Stakeholder Engagement to understand the OHS context and issues faced by the various stakeholders (industry, labour, government institutions, public).
  • Preliminary Report covering results of the stakeholder engagement, review of existing national regulations, review of OHS performance in the sector, review of best practices and gap analysis identifying key areas on which the regulations need to focus.
  • Multi-Stakeholder Workshops presenting the contents of the Preliminary Report.
  • Draft OHS Regulations for the Petroleum Sector in a version ready for parliamentary gazetting.
  • Multi-Stakeholder Workshops presenting the Draft Regulations
  • Inspection Guidelines and Standards based on Draft OHS Regulations
  • Multi-Stakeholder Workshop presenting the Inspection Guidelines and Standards
  • Framework for Enforcer Capacity Building Report proposing a path for Enforcer agency training, enabling the institution to effectively operationalize the law.

Project results

Aegide International a contribué à l’élaboration d’une réglementation nationale pour un producteur émergent de pétrole et de gaz en Afrique de l’Est. Le règlement est en cours de publication officielle et, lorsqu’il deviendra loi, il devrait permettre des améliorations généralisées des performances et des normes de sécurité dans tout le secteur O&G au Kenya.


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Keptap - Technical advice

Draw up a specific law for the sector covering downstream, intermediate and upstream O&G operators.

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