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Audit MASE ©

At Aegide International (an approved MASE audit body), we support you throughout the MASE certification process, from the initial diagnosis through to certification.

The main aim of the MASE-UIC management system is to achieve continuous improvement in HSE performance between user and contractor companies in different sectors.

The agreement of the 20th of December, 2007 on safety, signed between the Union of Chemical Industries (UIC) and the Manual for Improvement of Safety in Companies (MASE), has resulted in the establishment of the MASE / DT78 UIC common standard that promotes a common approach on industrial safety improvement.



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Our MASE auditors cover the whole of France

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1 auditor (La Réunion)

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From diagnostics to MASE certification, we're always at your side!


Carrying out a diagnostic: preparing for the certification audit.

Why carry out a preparation audit for MASE certification?

It enables you to detect any gaps in your safety management system in order to correct them and meet the requirements of the joint MASE-France Chimie system.

What do we do?

Our MASE- France Chimie certified auditors carry out a review of your HSE system under the conditions of a certification audit: a documentary part and a worksite part. All the findings are summarised in a report.

Why choose Aegide International to prepare your certification audit?

Based on this initial diagnosis, our auditors will identify the strengths, gaps and areas for improvement in your system. We will then provide you with concrete actions to put in place to improve your operational performance over time.


We can help you implement the MASE standards.

Why should you seek support before obtaining MASE certification?

L’accompagnement permet de renforcer votre planification stratégique et d’améliorer vos performances HSE dans le but d’obtenir la certification MASE.

What do we do?

Nous vous aidons à mettre en œuvres les dispositifs du référentiel MASE en vous accompagnant dans l’amélioration des possibles écarts ou pistes d’améliorations identifiés lors de votre diagnostic.

Pourquoi choisir Aegide International dans l’accompagnement jusqu’à l’audit de certification ?

Our auditors have in-depth knowledge of the MASE standard and the various HSE standards and management systems in a wide range of industries and in a variety of operational and cultural contexts.


We carry out your initial or renewal MASE audit.

Pourquoi passer l’audit de certification MASE ?

La certification MASE est aujourd’hui un système de gestion de la SSE reconnu, elle permet d’apporter la preuve au niveau national que vous avez établi un système d’amélioration continue efficace.

What do we do?

We operate throughout France, carrying out MASE certification audits and presenting a summary report to your Steering Committee.

Why choose Aegide International for your certification audit?

Chez Aegide International, nous vous aidons à atteindre l’excellence et la performance optimales dans votre système de gestion SSE grâce à nos auditeurs expérimentés, bienveillants et à l’écoute.


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